Thursday, August 20, 2009

An entire city.. goes back to 1903.. just for the fun of it!

Imagine an entire city .. its people.. its streets.. to go back to 1903.. like a living museum... showing to the world what happened in 1903. In the small city of Krushevo today's Macedonia in 1903.. the Macedonians started their uprising and revolution against the Ottoman Empire. The city was the home of the very first republic in the Balkans. The uprising however was ended in 10 days.. during which.. the Macedonians rose their voice to the world.. and announced that they have a dream.. named Macedonia.

Today.. the people of this city, have decided to start an interesting and somehow fun initiative to remember the Uprising of Ilinden of the 2nd of August 1903, so hundreds of local people in the city, decided to dress up like Ottoman Asker, and Macedonian revolutionists, and repeat the events happened in the city more than a century ago during the Macedonian celebration of the Uprising.

In the streets, people where dancing and singing .. celebrating Freedom.. they even performed a fake wedding.. just for the fun of it! The idea is mainly to remind the new generations about the importance of the event.. and as a tourist attraction be walking inside the very first Ethno City in the Balkans.. more like a living museum.. or a movie set from 1903.

Watch the report from Krushevo below.. made by BBC two weeks ago.. Enjoy :)

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