Sunday, August 30, 2009

اسمحولي احكي

أول ما بلشت المدونة، كانت الفكرة الأولية أنها تكون بالانجليزي لأنه القراء المستهدفين هم الأجانب بالدرجة الأولى أو العرب المغتربين. استمرت المدونة سنتين تقريبا على هذا الحال...لغاية اليوم! اليوم قررت أنه أكتب بالعربي وبالعامية كمان لأكتر من سبب. أولا من باب ما ننشر غسيلنا الوسخ بالشارع والاجانب يضحكوا علينا وتانياً لأن المستهدفين من هذا البوست هم الأردنيين و مواطنين ها البلد أولا وأخواننا العرب تانياُ.

السبب الرئيسي اللي خلاني أطلع من سكوتي عن مجتمعنا الأردني هو درجة التخلف اللي كل مالها بتزيد بمجتمعنا اللي إحنا نازلين نفتخر فيه. ليش تخلف؟ ما إحنا متعلمين و مثقفين وماشاء الله علينا؟ جايكم بالحكي حبه حبه

أولا بالرغم من كل الحملات اللي عم بعملوها أفراد أو مؤسسات ضد جرائم الشرف ...كلو عالفاضي... لأ والاسوء من هيك انه عم بزيد! كأنه لما بنحكي عن الموضوع بنزكر الناس انه ممكن تعمل هيك بخواتها ؟ يعني مش عارف ها الأخ اللي عامل حاله شريف انه إذا قتل نفس واحد كأنه قتل أمة كاملة فما بالك لما تكون أخته؟ وين التربية الدينية الصح؟ ولا التربية الدينية بنحكي فيها بس ع امتحان التوجيهي و رمضان؟ كيف بنام ها القاضي الي بحكم على قاتل بس سنه؟ كيف إلو عين يصوم برمضان مش فاهم! كيف ما بخجل من أمه اللي ربته وعللمته يحترم كل الناس ...كيف بيتطلع ع بنته أو زوجته أو أخته وهو بعرف إنه عم بشجع قتل صبايا متلهم بس لأنه في واحد شريف قدر يجيب كم واحد يشهد بالمحكمة أنه فعلاً وسخت سمعة العيلة! يا سيدي وإذا وسخت سمعة العيلة مين أعطاك الحق تتعالى على ربنا وتقرر متى تنهي حياة خلقها الله مش انت؟

كيف ممكن النواب بالبرلمان يكونو ساكتين!! ما بخافو ربنا؟ ولا الدين صار موضه هالأيام... والشرف أهم! كيف؟ حد يفهمني !
وبعدين ليه التمييز العنصري بين الزلمة والمرة! يعني ليه بلوموا المرة مش الزلمة؟ ولا البنت نص بني آدمة؟ ربنا هيك علمنا؟ ولا إمكم هيك ربتكم؟ أشك بهذا الحكي

كيف ممكن الاساتذة بالمدارس والجامعات يطلعوا ويضلوا ساكتن على أكبر تخلف بضرب هالمجتمع. والاسوء من هيك أنهم راضيين يخرجوا شباب قليلين ترباية ! قال تربية وتعليم قال !

تانيا نيجي لمشكلة جريمة القتل اللي صارت مؤخرا وعملت زوبعة إلها أول ما إلها آخر... حد يفهمني ها الجماعة مش عاجبهم يعني القانون الأردني؟ ولا مش عاجبيتهم فكرة انه في قانون بين الناس؟ طب مش هدول الناس بآمنو بربنا؟ والتشريع والقانون جاي من ربنا؟ ليش مش محترمين ربنا ؟ ليش مش محترمين سيادة البلد؟ ليش مش محترمين الدستور الأردني؟ طب أوكي بدنا الحق يبين... وقفت ع هاي الجريمة؟ والجرائم اللي بيسووها اليهود بشعبنا بفلسطين ما بدو عطوة أمنية؟ أنا بقول بس يتفقوا ها الجماعة نروح ع غزة نعمللنا كم دراما هناك بنكهة أردنية مع اليهود

أييييح ع هال بلد شو بدو يشوف كمان

في الوقت اللي كل العالم بيحترمنا ع الجهود اللي بنعملها كشعب أردني وكعائلة مالكة عشان ننشرالسلام والثقافة... ونغير الصورة النمطية عن العرب و الاسلام... وبنحارب التطرف بأنواعه، لسه في ناس عايشة في الجاهلية.

أكتر شي مؤذ بالموضوع هو الإعلام الفاشل زي موقع سرايا و غيرها من المواقع الإعلامية اللي نسيت أو بالأحرى عملت حالها معهاش خبر عن موضوع بيع شركة مكتوب دوت كوم لـ ياهو وفضلت تحكي عن قصص فاضية هبله زيهم.

ع كلِ بتمنى شي مسؤول يقرا اللي كتبتوا و يفهمني ليه هيك عم بيصير ببلدنا...وليه عم نرجع لورا وشكراً

P.S. This post is targeted to Jordanians.. to all Non-Arab rearders...its an internal Jordanian issue that i don't wish to share with you.. for personal reasons.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Al Jazeera..."professional" journalism

Few years ago, the European Union has announced a program called "Schengen Visa Liberalisation program" targeted mainly to the countries in the Balkans to obtain a Visa Free system between them and the EU. This step means that the nationals of the countries applying to the program will no longer need the EU VISA to enter EU, but rather just their national passport and get a stamp from the first border and then travel freely within the EU for 3 months for tourism and family visits.

The countries that applied for the program are : Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. The EU announced the conditions of becoming part of that program. The conditions were technical and political.

Technical in the sense of improving several aspects: illegal migration reduction, reforms in issuing citizenship, introducing the new Biometric passports, connecting all borders check points with unified center and creating a national Visa center and make the entrance of foreign nationals more organized and controlled.

Political in the sense of improving Political stability in the country and corruption reduction.. in order for the EU to be able to protect itself from any illegal economic activity once they are able to travel inside the EU.

The EU created a special commission and marking scale, in which each country will be evaluated and graded.. and then the commission passes the recommendation to the European Parliament that at the end decided weather the country deserves to have a VISA free system or no.

Earlier this year.. Spring 2009, the commission travelled to all the countries and checked the progress of each country.. and graded the country based on the previously mentioned criteria and then announced the marks later. In June the commission announced which countries were qualified enough and stated the reason why each country got the visa system.. or didn't get the visa system.

The result was that 3 from the 5 countries got the Visa Program and those are : Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Whereas Albania and Bosnia & Herzegovina were encouraged to continue the reforms required and that they will be graded and reviewed again later on.

Al-Jazeera news the other day made a report about that program and made a weird conclusion : "Bosnia didn't get the Visa system.. because they are Muslims" and " Muslims are not welcomed in Europe". I wonder how the hell they get that conclusion? What about Albania.. aren't they Muslims as well..? why the stress on Bosnia? on the other hand... if they are that professional journalism they should have known that 25 % of the Macedonians are Muslims.. and since Macedonia got the grades required.. they got the VISA free system.. including the Muslims in the country..! So according to Aljazeera.. Muslim Macedonians should not be able to go to EU..! Shameful journalism.

Such report is just one of the hundred miss leading reports, in which Aljazeera is trying to create negative feelings between Muslims and Christians.. or EU in general. Its a shame that such respected news agency.. is hiring such un-professional journalists and even more they don't search the correct news.. but rather are willing to create problems between nations.. just to increase the number of their viewers.

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem to all the Muslims in the world..
May this blessed month bring inner peace and love..

May God's blessings touch your souls.. & help us all be more tolerant.. and respective to each other.

Kul 3am wento be 5air :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

An entire city.. goes back to 1903.. just for the fun of it!

Imagine an entire city .. its people.. its streets.. to go back to 1903.. like a living museum... showing to the world what happened in 1903. In the small city of Krushevo today's Macedonia in 1903.. the Macedonians started their uprising and revolution against the Ottoman Empire. The city was the home of the very first republic in the Balkans. The uprising however was ended in 10 days.. during which.. the Macedonians rose their voice to the world.. and announced that they have a dream.. named Macedonia.

Today.. the people of this city, have decided to start an interesting and somehow fun initiative to remember the Uprising of Ilinden of the 2nd of August 1903, so hundreds of local people in the city, decided to dress up like Ottoman Asker, and Macedonian revolutionists, and repeat the events happened in the city more than a century ago during the Macedonian celebration of the Uprising.

In the streets, people where dancing and singing .. celebrating Freedom.. they even performed a fake wedding.. just for the fun of it! The idea is mainly to remind the new generations about the importance of the event.. and as a tourist attraction be walking inside the very first Ethno City in the Balkans.. more like a living museum.. or a movie set from 1903.

Watch the report from Krushevo below.. made by BBC two weeks ago.. Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My friends.. the greatest gift of Amman.. am back

It has been a while since i blogged and checked on you guys.. But the past 2 weeks were extremely hectic.. there were so many things to talk about.. and blog about.. i even made soo many mental flags about events and things i passed since i left Macedonia and started my road trip towards Jordan.. but i never found the right time to write them down.

Its great to be back to Amman.. too many things have changed.. but even more things have remained the same. Probably because i was following the news and the events about Jordan.. so i wasn't surprised by most of the things.. my friends were even surprised that i knew some details they didn't know..!

My friends.. the greatest gift of all.. have made it quit great to be back in Amman.. i never imagined it will make me that happy. I never knew how much i miss them.. and love them until i left.. everytime i go out with them.. order some food for dinner together.. i can't stop smiling.. and thanking God for having them..

I wanted to write so many things... and i wanted to comment on so many topics..but i would like to dedicate this post to my Friends.. who made it so much easy to leave my best Macedonia.. to my dearest Jordan :-)